Saturday 14 March 2015

Rakyat Palestin terpenjara akibat kezaliman Israel

Konflik ketenteraan dan kemanusiaan di wilayah Palestin terutama Gaza berlaku saban tahun meliputi tempoh hampir tujuh dekad. Malah, Gaza digelar penjara terbesar dunia. Selain itu, peperangan terbaharu sudah enam bulan berlalu di bumi Gaza, namun nasib 1.8 juta rakyat Palestin di wilayah konflik itu masih belum terbela.
Pelarian Palestin, majoritinya hidup di bawah paras kemiskinan AS$1.5 (RM5.60) sehari masih menderita apatah lagi nasib 108,000 yang hilang tempat tinggal dalam serangan rejim Israel pada Ogos/Julai lalu.
Lebih mengejutkan apabila Agensi Bantuan dan Pekerjaan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNRWA) menyatakan jumlah warga Palestin yang bergantung dengan agensi PBB itu meningkat daripada 80,000 kepada 800,000.
Realiti memeritkan itu dinyatakan Ketua Pesuruhjaya UNRWA, Pierre Krahenbuhl, dalam mesyuarat dengan Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Luar Parlimen Eropah di Brussels, awal bulan ini.
"Angka ini mengejutkan dan membayangkan situasi tragik yang kita semua harus hadapi," katanya merujuk situasi terkini di wilayah konflik itu.

Najib ucap tahniah Zeti terima pingat Dekan Wharton

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengucapkan tahniah kepada Gabenor Bank Negara Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz yang dianugerahkan 'Wharton Dean's Medal', baru-baru ini.
Perdana Menteri menyifatkan anugerah itu sebagai pengiktirafan yang tinggi atas sumbangan Zeti dalam menstabilkan ekonomi negara.
"Tan Sri Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia telah dianugerahkan Pingat Dekan Wharton. Ini adalah pengiktirafan yang tinggi kepada sumbangan Tan Sri dalam penstabilan ekonomi Malaysia.
"Saya yakin asas ekonomi Malaysia akan terus kukuh dengan gandingan dasar fiskal kerajaan persekutuan dan dasar monetari Bank Negara. Tahniah," katanya dalam catatan di laman Facebooknya hari ini.
Zeti menerima anugerah itu daripada Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania atas pencapaian dan kejayaannya mengemudi ekonomi Malaysia.
Anugerah itu merupakan penghargaan tertinggi kepada alumni universiti itu yang membawa impak besar kepada ekonomi Asia dan global.

Kelantan MB wants Hadi to be retained as Pas president

KOTA BAHARU: Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob wants Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to be retained as PAS president, saying that Abdul Hadi was capable of performing well in any situation.
Ahmad, who is also PAS deputy spiritual leader, said the party still had to retain Abdul Hadi as the president despite all demands to have him replaced.
.”..the post need not be contested. The position of president as the second ulama leader (in party hierarchy) is very apt to lead a party capable of facing all situation at the state, national and international levels.”
Ahmad said this to reporters after launching the state-level ‘Membangun Bersama Islam’ Silver Jubilee celebration here today.
Also present were his deputy Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah and State Assembly Speaker Datuk Abdullah Ya’kub.
Yesterday, PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali said none of the party leaders and members had voiced out intention to challenge Abdul Hadi for the president’s post at the party poll scheduled for June.
On the tabling of amendments to the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code II Enactment 1993 at the State Assembly sitting scheduled to begin on Monday, Ahmad said he was confident that the support for PAS from the non-Muslims would not decline with the tabling of the amendments.
“Non-Muslims’ support in Kelantan, especially in Kota Baharu is ovewhelming and they understand...I think the support will not decline. In fact, more will show their support,” he said.
On Chempaka state by-election, the menteri besar said PAS’ candidate had received good response from the voters so far.
“We hope as we reach the polling day, voters who are residing in other states will return to cast their votes, as the polling day will be held during school holiday,” he said.
The by-election is being held following the death of incumbent Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, 84, of prostate cancer on Feb 12.
The by-election will see a five-corner fight between PAS candidate Ahmad Fathan Mahmood@Mahamad and four independent candidates, namely businessman Aslah Mamat, 64; former Kelantan Perkasa vice-president Sharif Mahmood, 59; Pertubuhan Keturunan Paduka Raja Cik Siti Wan Kembang president Fadzillah Hussin, 55, and businessman Izat Bukhary Ismail Bukhary, 48.